Build Credit with Every Bill You Pay.
Your bills don’t count when building your credit. With Credit Escalator they do.
The simple, safe and responsible way to build credit without a credit card. Use the bills you already pay, like rent, utilities, phone, and subscriptions. We can report these to the credit bureaus.
You don’t have to worry about overspending with a credit card to build your credit. Only $10 a month and we will report your Credit Account with all of your bills. With Autopay you don’t have to worry about missing a payment. Sign up and we’ll create your Credit Account with us and upload proof of your paid bills. This will help your credit score. Some people have seen a 58 point increase within a month. Others have had a 72 point increase within a few months. Maintain your Credit Account for more than 12 months and your credit score will continue to increase.